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Eco-Fascists by Elizabeth Nickson

One of the best books to detail the ravages of the environmentalist movement was recently published by Elizabeth Nickson.  It is called Eco-Fascists: How Radical Conservationists Are Destroying Our Natural Heritage. What Elizabeth Nickson does best is identify the...

Fighting Environmentalism

Fighting modern environmentalism must begin with countering the deceitful and propagandistic messaging apparatus that environmental activist groups spend billions of dollars on every year.  J.D. King’s documentary, AXED seems to be a worthy endeavor in revealing...

Fuel Shortages in California

California is currently facing gasoline shortages, which are causing prices to spike and gas stations to shut down.  While the shortages are partially the result of a temporary refinery shut down, it is also apparent that these shortages are also the result of a wall...

Peter Diamandis: The Abundance Pioneer

Peter Diamandis is one of the strongest voices advocating a future of abundance.  Here are some of my favorite quotes from a recent TED presentation that he gave entitled, Abundance is Our Future. Scarcity is contextual, and technology is a resource liberating force...